Our name is an expression of who we are in God, His love, and His care for, and over us.  This pure love causes us to feel secure in Him even in times of darkness.

The  scripture verse Micah 7:8 (1) was chosen because it speaks of hope, renewal and restoration during a time of oppression, exploitation and great social injustice.  It also reminds us that God is always present, even in the darkness.

 The  Cross represents God’s love (God does not endorse and embrace abuse ... 

it contradicts His character), J Engle .

 The  image  in the centre of the Cross is a candlenut which when set alight, the oily seed  inside causes it to burn like a candle. It is also used for healing wounds and promoting good health. 

The darkness in the imagery of our logo is that of a hurting woman. She is the oily seed trapped inside the hard shell of pain. As she becomes more and more aware of God’s true definition of love, this knowledge ignites the oily seed and penetrates the hard shell of abuse. At first, the light is a flicker then as it increases, it burns brighter and brighter, illuminating and making the way out transparent. She then gains strength to break away, and healing and restoration occurs. Walking in freedom and, oblivious to people’s judgement; she becomes not only resilient but also an encourager of other women. 


Original Logo by Maud Wellington (BBC Big Painting Challenge 2017 Contestant); 

adapted by www.pochilly.com 

Did you know the candlenut ...

In Uganda its name (Kabakanjagala) is interpreted, ‘The King loves me’ (2) 

In Hawaii, is seen as a symbol of enlightenment, protection, guidance, peace (3)

AND is burnt in a stone oil lamp, called a kukui hele po which means

(light, darkness goes) (4) 

References:   (1)  English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible;

(2) https://folkloreoftheafricanchildrussian13spring2015.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/dool/;

(3) https://www.mauimagazine.net/kukui-tree-of-light/2/; (4)https://www.urbanhuna.org/the-wonderful-kukui/

(5) Bible and Cross images - https://www.google.com/advanced_image_search

The Mandate

Many of My daughters love and serve Me sincerely,

but there is a part of them they are not allowing me to reach – abuse.

 I long to see them completely whole, walking in the freedom My Son purchased.

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